Zend Framework Command Line Console Tool

2020. 2. 26. 08:50카테고리 없음

An easy way to create a new Controller is by doing this with the command line.On Windows, open a new terminal (SHIFT + right click on your project directory) and write this: $ TheProjectDirectory CompletePathUntilZendFramework-1.11.7binzf.bat create controller MenuIt will create:. A controller in /application/controller/MenuController.php. An indexAction in the MenuController file.


A view script in /view/scripts/menu/index.phtml. An update for the project file:.zfproject.xmlAll that in a single line.Interesting, isn't it?

Zend framework 3 documentationZend framework command line console tool set

Zend Framework 3 Tutorial

Zend Framework Preferences Zend Framework PreferencesThe Zend Framework preferences page allows you to configure the displayof the Zend Tool Console.The Zend Tool console displays messages and warnings when executing ZendFramework commands which utilize the ZendTool, such as create new ZendFramework Project or create new Zend Controller. See for more information.ZendFramework Preferences pageThe Zend Framework PreferencesPreferences page is accessed from Window Preferences PHP Editor Zend Framework. Configuring the Zend Tool Console Display SettingsTo configure the Zend Tool Consoledisplay settings:.Configure the following options:Zend Tool ConsolseSettings:.Fixed width console - Mark the checboxto limit the width of messages displayed in the Zend Toolconsole.Enter the required width in characters. The value must be between1000 and 2,147,483,646.Limit console output - Mark the checkboxto limit the amount of characters stored and displayed inthe Zend Tool Console.Enter the required size in characters. The value must be between80 and 2,147,483,646.Automatically show Zend Tool console whena ZendTool command is executed - Mark this checkbox for theZend Tool Console to be automatically displayed whenever acommand which utilizes the ZendTool (e.g. Create new ZendFramework project) is executed.Console text color settings - Edit thecolors for text displayed in the Zend Tool Console for thefollowing:.Command line.Messages.Errors displayedZendTool Floating Window Settings:.Provide content assist in Zend Tool Floating Window- Provides content assist options for ZendTool commands inthe Zend Tool Floating Window.See for more information.Click Apply to apply yoursettings.